Please take note of the following guidelines to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings:
If you cancel or don't show up for an appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled time, you will be charged the full amount of the service. Similarly, if you arrive 10 minutes or more late, it will be considered a no-show or cancellation. A second no-show or multiple late arrivals will result in being dropped as a client.
Accepted cancellations are as follows:
- For "cut" services, please cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled time.
- For "chemical" services, please cancel at least 48 hours before the scheduled time.
Finally, please keep in mind that all decisions regarding canceling, rescheduling an appointment, and refunds are at the full discretion of the stylist/owner and are final. A repeat of a "No-Show" and or multiple "Late Arrivals", unfortunately, will result in being dropped as a client. All decisions regarding canceling, rescheduling an appointment, and refunds are at the full discretion of the Stylist/Owner and are final.
Accepted cancellations are as follows:
24 hrs prior to a "cut" service
48 hrs prior to a "chemical" service